Seyeong Yoon  윤세영

 Seyeong Yoon is a conceptual artist based in London and Seoul, who uses time-based media to expand contextual perceptions and destroy notional borders, inspired by Fluxus. His time-based works are anchored in the creative process, presented as alternatives that reimagine/transform genres and notions by injecting artistic devices into a pre-computed process/context. As the creative process progresses, each stage itself (i.e. a sequence in a film edit, music) is considered a component, and the spectator is led to the artistic/thematic aspects that conceptually arise following the pre-computed guideline by the artist, when each component is interconnected/engaged in his/her perception. This induces the spectators to experience the expansion of perception and “art as experience” in this relationship, through the context, embracing the process itself as a new result of art, while appreciating the tangible result of art.


2024 <LAB Coming Day> Arts Korea Lab, Seoul, South Korea
2024 <Gather and Scatter> KOTE, Seoul, South Korea
2024 <Abstract Mind 2024> CICA Museum, Gimpo, South Korea
2023 <VideoBardo International Videopoetry Festival> Centro Cultural San Martin (El Cultural San Martín), Buenos Aires, Argentina 
2023 <7th Festival ECRÃ> Video Art - Online Exhibition, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2022 <Annual Open Exhibition 2022> Lake Gallery (Southwark Park Galleries), London, United Kingdom
2022 <Tradition Transition> Punto Blu Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
2022 <6° Festival ECRÃ> MAM Rio (Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro – Museum of Modern Art, Rio) Cinemateca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 
2018 <Beyond 2001: NEW HORIZONS> London College of Communication, London, United Kingdom 


2024 Art Korea Lab - by MCST (Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Republic of Korea) & Korea Art Management Service

BA Film & Television, University of the Arts London (UAL) (2017-2020)
MA Interface culture, University of Arts Linz (Kunstuniversität Linz) (2025~)

THE STREAM - Korean Video Art Archive

© 2014-2024 Seyeong Yoon All Rights Reserved

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